Friends of Hoyt Park & Pool is excited to announce the launch of our redesigned website, now with a mobile-friendly layout that makes it easy to find key info about TOSA Pool and The Landing, such as hours, prices, closures and menus.
When you visit, select either our TOSA Pool page or The Landing page. The most relevant info will be front and center. Or click further for details on memberships, facility rentals, our history or how to donate. Bookmark the pages you check the most.
And with this update, our site has never looked better on a smartphone, great for checking in while on the go.
Email with any feedback or suggestions. We hope you like the new design.
Our newly redesigned website also makes it much easier to inform you of any daily changes to our schedule, such as closures or delayed openings.
Before you head to TOSA Pool or the Landing to enjoy our beautiful facilities, you can check online for the latest updates. If our pool schedule changes, you will find that info posted to a prominent orange banner on our TOSA Pool page and in the pinned post on Facebook.
We will post any beer garden schedule changes to our Landing page as well.
You are invited to review our pool closure policies here. (There’s also info there on our TOSA Pool rules and the swim test.)